
Started in 2016, makingit3d.com was an inspiration to help others find relevant information on 3D printing for home or business, without having to sort through the quagmire of fake review sites online.

We had a vision and wanted to provide a place where 3D printers and artists could find a source for news, knowledge, REAL reviews, and to also provide a place to showcase the works and prints of other 3D printers so that they may inspire the rest of us to help further our projects along.

Aimed at anyone and everyone in the field of 3D printing, from beginner to professionals, we hope that you will find compelling and useful content here on makingit3d.com.

Please feel free to contact us at info@makingit3d.com, if you would like to see anything added to the site.

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If you want to reach out to our team with any suggestions or to submit a story please send mail to info@makingit3d.com.